New Technology to Help You Earn Your C.M.
AAAE has partnered with Blank Slate Technologies to offer an app-based tool designed to assist members in preparing for the C.M. exam. This interactive app leverages cognitive science and machine learning to prevent knowledge gaps by continuously assessing, reinforcing, and predicting the user’s knowledge level. The system is equipped with practice questions similar to those found on the C.M. exam. By dedicating just a few minutes each week, this innovative technology helps candidates identify and focus on topics that require the most attention. It is intended to guide study efforts by pinpointing knowledge gaps and is NOT meant to replace the modules. This app is most effective when used a few weeks before your exam date. Click here for more information on how to use the app and the science behind it.
C.M. candidates can purchase the C.M. Quiz App for $150 for a 90-day subscription.
(This is in addition to the C.M. program registration of $225.)
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