Body of Knowledge Modules

C.M. and A.A.E. Program Candidates can download the modules for free by clicking on the Study Materials  image on the C.M. or A.A.E. program page. These modules will be updated every few years. Other changes may be made as necessary. Please always check back for the latest editions and any changes to the modules. Click Here to Order hard copies of AAAE's Body of Knowledge modules, for an additional fee. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for shipment of the study materials, once payment for the order has been received. All module sales are final and non-refundable.

Current Modules Were Published August 2022

Module 1 - Finance and Administration
Objective 1: Describe the historical principles that have guided airport management, and identify the airport stakeholders, their primary functions, and their expectations for the airport.
Objective 2: Obtain a basic understanding of how flight operations work in the U.S. airspace system.  
Objective 3: Know the various types of structures for an Airport Sponsor and the fundamental role and challenges of the Airport Executive, and understand the primary federal regulations and other documents that limit or mandate certain airport management and operational practices.
Objective 4: Understand the definitions and restrictions of airport land use.
Objective 5: Understand the federal requirements in airport financial management, and the federal policies that influence the setting of airport rates and charges.
Objective 6: Understand the unique airport uses and concerns related to Other Related Airport Business Operations, key principles in commercial development and airport property management.
Objective 7: Understand the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) process, how projects are evaluated, prioritized, and partially funded by the FAA, and other sources of capital development monies available to airports.

Module 2 - Planning, Construction & Environmental
Objective 1: Describe the types of plans and planning processes that affect a public-use airport.
Objective 2: Describe the purpose of the Airport Master Plan and the steps in the process.
Objective 3: Describe the basic elements of airfield design, including runway, taxiway and apron design, the design of other landing facilities, airspace protection, and airport construction.
Objective 4: Describe the various types of airport terminal design considerations, including terminal layouts and design features.
Objective 5: Describe the environmental requirements and processes associated with operating a public-use airport. 
Objective 6: Describe the airspace classifications, and how the air traffic control and navigational aid systems operate in the U.S.

Module 3 - Airport Operations, Security & Maintenance
Objective 1: Describe the role of the Airport Executive in ensuring a safe operating environment, particularly as related to Title 14 CFR Part 139. 
Objective 2: Understand the regulatory requirements of maintaining airport pavement, condition and inspection, and other safety standards such as signs, markings, and lighting.
Objective 3: Understand the regulatory requirements for certain airport safety programs such as the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan, the Snow and Ice Control Plan, and other related programs required by Part 139.
Objective 4: Understand the regulatory requirements related to the Airport Emergency Plan and the elements of incident command.
Objective 5: Describe the expectations and desires of passengers, tenants, and other stakeholders related to the operation of the terminal and landside areas; understand the requirements and issues related to unmanned aerial vehicle operations.
Objective 6: Describe the regulatory requirements for airport operators related to the Transportation Security Regulations and the current threat to airports and aircraft operators.

Module 4 - Communications & Community Relations
Objective 1: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Airport Executive within a politically charged environment;
Objective 2: Understand the airports’ responsibility to the community related to the noise generated by its operation.
Objective 3: Understand the role of the airport in marketing for its own purposes and for the benefit of the community in which it serves.
Objective 4: Understand how to effectively transmit information to the public via the mainstream media and social media; how to work with reporters to either generate positive publicity when desired, or handle mitigate the damage of negative publicity or misinformation during the public information responsibilities during a crisis